Become Irresistible To Women
This digital subliminal audio is not for everyone. First, the scripting is written specifically for men to attract women.
Second, the scripting has a single goal. To make you an irresistible sex magnet.
To think and embody the characteristics of an insanely attractive and seductive man.
If you want to improve your sexual relations with women. To be a modern playboy. This subliminal is for you.
You will intuitively know how to behave around beautiful women. You will notice more eyes and attention heading your way. Something we call the 'celebrity effect'.
Demonstrate to your ancestors, your genetics that you are worthy.
Become an irresistible sex magnet today. Just look what's inside this beast of a subliminal:
What's Inside of the Irresistible Sex Magnet Script:
- Paradigm Destroyer For Sex Magnet module will erase any old programming that prevents you from becoming an irresistible sex magnet.
- Irresistible Sex Magnet Core 1,2,3 modules so you can have the mindset of a world class seducer, your every movement and word will be done to make you more attractive and irresistible to women.
- Complete Freedom module will install a deep, root level of freedom in your psyche. Freedom to express yourself. Freedom to be authentic and genuine. Freedom to go after what you want. Freedom to live the life you want. Complete freedom is a requirement for the evolved man.
- Seduced By The World module is a fun one. It's here so you can begin to fall in love with life, a quality that every great seducer has within himself. The world and everything in it will begin to seduce you, thus making you extremely irresistible to women and opportunities.
- Alpha Male Core Lite 1,2 modules will lay a foundation of alpha male qualities and characteristics that are attractive to women.
- Divine Masculine Energy module will connect you to the primal wild man inside of you which means the deep stillness, knowing and leadership qualities inside of every man will be expressed through you.
- Charismatic module will have you know what to say so that you can seduce anyone at will which means you'll become a social master, making people do what you want.
- Carefreeness module because the one that cares the least has the most power which means you will hold every daily event with a light touch. An extremely attractive trait.
- Supernatural module so you will be perceived as doing everything with minimal effort which means there will be an air of ease and delight surrounding everything you do.
- Social Courage module so you can approach any stranger in any social setting with ease.
- Bad Boy module so you can stop giving a fuck about the social rules that most people follow unconsciously. This will reflect in your energy, and women will begin to notice this within moments of meeting you.
- Sex Naturalizer module will have you deeply understand that sex is the most natural thing in the world, we all came from our mothers. We all have evolutionary coding to desire the act which means if you have any shame around sex, you will feel peace take it's place.
- Head Turner module will have women begin to look at you, stare you down and appreciate your sexual aura no matter where you are.
- Sexual Magnetism module so you can have an aura of a sexual magnet which means people will approach you, notice you and want to engage with you.
- Sexual Intuition module will have you pick up on the smallest movements, glances and invitations from women and what to do about it.
Sexual Confidence module so you can be fearless in any sexual activity which means you will be able to free yourself of your mind and channel your true desires.
- Sexual Communication module so you can understand intuitively, how to communicate and understand the signs women are reflecting back to you and how you can move forward.
- Sexual Voice module will have you speak in a slow, deep and masculine manner that will hold people's attention with ease.
- Sexual Body Language module will have you move in a manner that demonstrates your sexual mastery and vibration which means people will begin to notice you and give you windows of opportunity to approach and seduce.
- Sexual Abundance module will have you recognize the 'plenty' of women in the world which means you won't fall prey to neediness and scarcity.
- Sexual Drive Increaser module so you can turbocharge your libido which means you will feel motivated to seek out sexual opportunities.
- Attraction Generator module will create a feeling of deep irresistibility inside of you which will radiate outwards. The scripting is here to look for the smallest cues to begin this process of attraction generation. The smallest glance in your direction will have you feeling amazing and irresistible.
- Fearless module is here to fill you with an abundance of courage. The more fear in your life, the less women, the less money and the less fun you have. This module will install a deep level of confidence that'll have you moving forward in life.
- Releaser module will release any subconscious trauma, negative past experiences, not useful self imagery which means you can re-create yourself to be who you want.
**Audio duration length: There are (8) versions of the same script. They are all equally effective and it's just a matter of preference. Each audio length is 30 minutes**
**This product comes with a free upgrade for an entire lifetime. If we improve the technology in any way, you will have access to the newer version.**
**You will also receive six bonuses with this purchase.**
**Money back guaranteed within 30 days of purchase.**
**You can immediately begin listening upon downloading the file to your computer. It is compressed into a ZIP file.**
**Upon purchase you must open the ZIP file on your computer before syncing onto any device of your choice**