Kaser, V.A. “The Effects of an Auditory Subliminal Perception Message Upon the Production of Images and Dreams”. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease (1986).
* Subjects listened to an audio subliminal message. The message was mixed with a regular music recording. Another group of subjects simply listened to the regular music recording without the subliminals.
* Both groups were asked to create a pre-test drawing before and immediately after the music was played as well as a drawing of any dreams they had the previous night.
* When the drawings were examined, the effects of the subliminal message could be seen.The drawings of the people who listened to the music with subliminal hidden content contained images relating to the suggestions they were listening to, whereas no correlation could be found with the control group.
* Kaser concluded that “the unconscious/subconscious mind is able to perceive a recorded verbal message that cannot be consciously heard”, proving the existence of subliminal perception.
Shevrin, H. Shevrin, H. "Does The Averaged Evoked Response Encode Subliminal Perception? Yes." (1975):
They compared two stimuli delivered consciously and unaware. Despite the subject being 'unaware' the response rate was significantly higher.
This suggests that our subconscious mind is picking up on information and noticing all of this data even if we are unaware.
Parker, K.A. "Effects of Subliminal Symbiotic Stimulation on Academic Performance: Further Evidence on the Adaptation-Enhancing Effects of Oneness Fantasies." Journal of Counseling Psychology (1982).
This study had 60 college students taking a law course over the course of 6 weeks. 3 out of the 5 lectures they had a subliminal message before and after a counseling session. The ones that were exposed to subliminal messaging achieved significantly higher grades than the others.
Palmatier, J.R., and Bornstein, P.H. “Effects of Subliminal Stimulation of Symbiotic Merging Fantasies on Behavioral Treatment of Smokers.” The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease (1980):
This study had 34 people go through a 3-week group-oriented quit smoking therapy package. The results showed that the individuals who received subliminal messages after each therapy session had a significantly lower rate of relapse. Versus the other group that did not receive these messages.
A follow up study by the same two scientists found further proof that "subliminal messaging noticeably improved the progress of subjects attempting to quit smoking".
Plumbo, R. and Gillman, I. “Effects of Subliminal Activation of Oedipal Fantasies on Competitive Performance.” The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease (1984):
* Subjects tested for their darts accuracy. They were exposed to the following subliminal messages; “Beating him is OK”, “Beating him is wrong”, and a neutral control message of “People are walking”.
* Results showed that people exposed to the message “Beating him is OK” showed greater dart-throwing accuracy than people listening to any other messages.
Psychologists claimed the messages such as “Mommy and I are one” would boost the students self esteem and have an effect to help them learn. Also interestingly when the messages were revealed so the students were aware of what they were receiving the effect failed, giving support to the effectiveness of sending a subliminal message rather than an overt one.
This study shows that even a simple positive message played while throwing darts can induce a greater level of accuracy.
Ariam, S. and Siller, J. “Effects of Subliminal Oneness Stimuli in Hebrew on Academic Performance of Israeli High School Students. ” Journal of Abnormal Psychology (1982)
* 10th grade students were shown subliminal messages in Hebrew saying; “Mommy and I are one”, “My teacher and I are one” and “People are walking in the street” (a neutral statement). The Students received the messages four times per week for 6 weeks.
* 6 weeks later, the students exposed to the subliminal statement “Mommy and I are one” scored higher in a maths exam than the other groups.
Psychologists claimed the messages such as “Mommy and I are one” would boost the students self esteem and have an effect to help them learn. Also interestingly when the messages were revealed so the students were aware of what they were receiving the effect failed, giving support to the effectiveness of sending a subliminal message rather than an overt one.